Evencias is a company dedicated to the organization of sporting events. Created in 2012, it has since been established in France and in Argentina.
In the desire to share their passion for soccer, it was founded by Argentines and young entrepreneurs from all over the world based out of Buenos Aires for several years.
The fervor for fútbol in Argentina is world-reknowned. With 15 clubs in the First Division, Buenos Aires is THE world capital of this sport. The famous Boca Juniors - River Plate is not the only clásico to capture the imagination of the Argentines who flock every weekend to stadiums and bars to fully experience the passion for their club that is passed from generation to generation.
Thanks to our experience with and our knowledge of local clubs, our team brings its "touch" to this wonderful show by proposing a total immersion through various opportunities. As experts in sports and event management, we make it a point to provide a high quality and personalized service in order to be as close as possible to the client's needs and wishes.
It is in this spirit that Evencias offers a range of possibilities to adapt to our customers' needs: Tours for Teams & Tournaments, Academy, Training Camps with Professional Clubs, Coaching Courses, Sale of Tickets and Game Tours in Buenos Aires. Everything is at your disposal to make your soccer experience unforgettable in the land of Maradona and Messi!